Top 10 Tuesday: December And End of 2021

Happy Tuesday,

It’s hard to believe that this is the last Tuesday of the year and that by this time next week, we’ll already be in a new year. I had so many bookish plans for this year and goal of the amount of books I had hoped to read.

Most of the TBR possibilities that I had planned to read didn’t happen but that’s also why I chose to call them possibilities because my brain apparently doesn’t like to have a set TBR unless it’s for a book club I’m participating in or happens to be fairly short books. I had also planned to keep track of books read in a spreadsheet to be able to share the stats about them at the end of the year but that didn’t quite work out. I am hopeful that I’ll be better at keeping track for 2022 because I do find stats fascinating, it’s just a matter of remembering to record those books once I finish them.

In terms of the books goal I started out with was 100 because I knew that it would be something I could reach and slowly raise up as I reached that milestone. I can happily say that as of this blog post, I’ve read 265 books which is the most I’ve read in a long time and am so happy to have been able to surpass my personal goal.

Speaking of stats, I do have a list of books that were my favorite this year and though the list is much more than ten, these are the ones that seemed to strike a chord with me the most. It’s been an exciting reading year to say the least!

Honorable Mentions (as if I could stop just at ten)

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. My Top 10 actually turned into 21 books as I thought it would be fitting to end this year with that amount of books. I have hopes of getting my currently reading list down to under five before the end of the year (wish me luck) ,a book club book that I’m in the middle of and plan to finish by tomorrow when we meet up. If I don’t get down my currently reading pile well there’s always next year with endless bookish possibilities. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year and may it be as bookish as you’d like.

Happy Reading!




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Top 10 Tuesday: E-Reader Edition

Happy Tuesday,

I took last week off as I had some things going on and couldn’t seem to figure out what subject I wanted to talk about. I am back now and realized that since I’ve been using my Kindle to read this month more than paper books, it was just the subject to talk about.

I have a lot of books downloaded on my Kindle to say the least because it’s so easy to one click things along with the deals that pop up in my email, how easy it is to download books via Libby and because I’ve been able to carry it around a lot easier. There was a power outage for a couple of days last week and it really came in handy because I didn’t want to use up the lantern batteries to read and it helped keep me distracted from all that was happening.

So enough rambling. I wanted to share with you some of the books that I am currently reading as well as those that I hope to get to soon. At this point, I could read for several years on my Kindle without downloading more books but we both know I won’t go that long without getting more.

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I have an endless supply of books to read as usual, a book club meeting to go to (surprisingly I actually read the book ahead of time) and finish up some last minute Christmas shopping. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week as well as a Happy Holiday , here’s to completing our bookish goals at our own pace, may you get some books for presents under the tree and I will return soon for more ramblings.

Happy Reading!




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Top 10 Tuesday: December TBR Possibilities

Happy Tuesday,

I’m trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we are in the last month of the year and I still have so many books that I would like to read before it hits 2022. I’ve realized that I have been super ambitious in hoping to read so many books this year and it’s been a bit of a chaotic mess with reading as well as things going on in general outside of my reading (as the majority of people have experienced in the last couple of years and then some) though I have learned to embrace the chaos and try not to stress so much about how my TBR just keeps on growing.

Speaking of reading, I’ve put together a list of books that I plan to pick from to read along with the books I’d like to read before the end of the year that I mentioned in a previous post . I would love to be able to get to all of them but I will not stress about tackling the whole pile.

So without further ado, I present to you my TBR Possibilities:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. Goodreads was down while trying to put this post together so I have linked the books to Story Graph which is a bookish site that I highly recommend. I hope you have a wonderful day, here’s to completing our bookish goals at our own pace and I will return soon for more ramblings.

Happy Reading!




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