
Review of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Happy Wednesday,

I hope you’re having a great week so far and here’s to it being halfway to the weekend. I was very lucky to be approved for a book that I was interested in and I’m so glad that I picked it up as it was something I wasn’t expecting to like as much as I did. I have enjoyed Rebecca’s other books as well but this one really struck a chord with me. You can find more of my thoughts below:

My Thoughts:

I received an advanced reading copy via Netgalley, though all thoughts are my own.

This book had quite the twists, particularly towards the middle of the book and closer to the end. It was heartbreaking, full of quotes that rang true to me, a dash magical and the story of a young woman who is learning how to be herself and the beauty of sharing that with others who also love her.

I adore her friends, the bond that she’s formed with Hugo who she once wanted to be the love of her life, her super supportive parents, Murphy her dog and several of the people who she meets over the years briefly and have such an impact on her life.

This is my favorite book of Rebecca’s so far, and I did not see a particular twist coming towards the end of the book (don’t worry, a main character doesn’t die).

I highly recommend this book and would love a potential sequel!

Trigger warnings: death of a partner, health condition revealed halfway through the book, hospital stays

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I hope you have a wonderful week and I will return soon with more bookish content including how I am doing with some of the TBR possibilities that I set for this month.

Happy Reading!




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🍀Top 10 Tuesday: Favorite Irish Books To Reread🍀

Happy Tuesday,

It’s a chilly day here in the Midwest which is a change from last week when it felt as though Spring was here. Ah well, that often seems to be how March goes and I know that soon it will be back to feeling like Spring.

Speaking of things I’d like to revisit, I thought I’d mention some Irish-themed books that I’d like to eventually do rereads of. It’s wonderful to revisit favorites and I often find myself reading parts of books that I either don’t remember reading or who have a different meaning personally than when I reread them. While the list of books I want to reread is much more than ten, I figured this was a good start especially since I’m trying to get back into rereading the amount that I used to.

So without further ado, I present to you my list:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I’m looking forward revisiting favorites soon as well as continuing to add new favorites to my list because there’s so much out there. Hope you’re having a great Tuesday. I am excited for later today as I will be enjoying some Irish food at a local restaurant and heading to the Library for Book Club. I hope you have a wonderful week and I will return soon with more bookish content including how I am doing with some of the TBR possibilities that I set for this month.

Happy Reading!




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Reviewing To Cage A God by Elizabeth May

Happy Thursday,

I just finished reading To Cage A God and wanted to give my thoughts while the details are fresh in my mind and because I had meant to finish and review this book before I was distracted by other books. I would like to mention that I was sent a digital copy via Netgalley from the Publisher as well as a physical ARC from DAW though all thoughts and opinions are my own.

So without further ado, I present to you my thoughts:

My Review:

This book had an interesting concept that was heavily inspired by Imperial Russian history mixed with Slavic folklore and a heavy dash of fantasy. The rich people are called alureans that have Gods with powers from another world (known as zmei) that appear to have been from birth though the actual origins of these Gods and how they came to be in human bodies has been hard to learn of because that information was destroyed due to paranoia of the Higher Class that those they considered beneath them would find out and get their own power. AT least that is what appears to have been much of the reasoning.

Told from the points of view of Sera, Katya, Vitaly, Galina and Vasilisa, they each have an important role to play though none of them is for sure what those roles will be and how they will play out.

There is also a revolution on the rise as people getting fed up with being barred from speaking their native language, having the alureans rub their wealth in the faces of those they deem below them and there’s also a tyrant of a ruler known as the Empress who also happens to be Vasilisa’s Mother who used to be a decent person but after years of abuse from her husband and then becoming power hungry as she became the ruler, she’s turned into someone who is much worse that her husband. There’s a match that’s just waiting to be lit and someone who seems like the least unlikely to help may very well surprise a number of people.

In the midst of all that’s happening, there’s also two romances. One (a male/female relationship) is a reuniting of two people who are drawn to each other (Vitaly and Sera) and have been through a lot over the years and I think it rather romantic that Vitaly was determined to search for Sera when she disappeared for a while and then was able to find her back in the area where their love started. Sera however has been keeping secrets to protect her foster sister Galina and also in a way to protect Vitaly. Though Vitaly doesn’t really need protection as he’s able to survive just fine so long as he’s not trying to blow things up and is for sure a morally gray character who also happens to believe that he’s helping to stop the oppression to his people that the Empress and her Cronies have forced on citizens.

The other romance is one that’s brewing between Galina and Vasilisa (female/female relationship) who come from such different levels of society and yet they each have their own cages in a sense and expectations from loved ones that are nearly impossible to accomplish. Though I seriously doubt that the Empress actually knows what it’s like to love anyone other than herself.

Overall, this was an interesting book and while it had a slow start, I think that was mostly my brain trying to get a feel of the world and I felt as though I had been dropped into the middle of a brewing revolution that I needed some time to wrap my head around. I appreciated that one of the characters is someone who has to deal with chronic pain and how it’s slowly becoming more main stream to have characters with chronic pain in books. I’m looking forward to continuing this series and maybe even delving deeper into the mystery of how the zmei became trapped in human bodies to begin with.

Content/Trigger warnings: eugenics practice, ableism, a character with chronic and disability who is forced to keep her illness away from the public, self-harm to have access to a God’s powers, violence, murder, immolation, explosions, injuries, gore, death, alcoholism, suicide, stabbing (self-inflicted and not), cutting, emotional abuse, manipulative relationships (parental), self-medication, eugenics, frank depictions of living with chronic pain, PTSD, other possible triggers so please be aware.

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for today. I hope you’re having a great week and I’m so glad that it’s finally Friday. I am off to get some reading in of books I’m in the middle of which are staring at me right now! I will return soon with more bookish ramblings. Thank you so much to DAW for sending me a physical ARC to read.

Happy Reading!




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🍀Top 10 Tuesday: Irish Nonfiction

Happy Tuesday,

It’s a lovely day here in the Midwest and I’m looking forward to rainy days so I can watch the flowers bloom and all of the grass turn green.

Speaking of green, since it’s March, I would stick mostly with the Irish-theme for the month and today I want to talk a bit about some of the Nonfiction books I’d like to get to that have to do with Ireland and those who are from Ireland. Most of these are ones that I’ve mentioned in previous posts so wanted to revisit them and hopefully in the near future can mark them as read. As per usual, they aren’t in any particular order so I present to you my list:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I’m looking forward to seeing how many Irish-themed nonfiction books I can read soon that I’ve had my eye on. Hope you’re having a great Tuesday. It is currently sunny out and I may find myself at a Bookstore or Library.

Hope you have a wonderful week and I will return soon with more bookish content including how I am doing with some of the TBR possibilities that I set for this month and am hoping to have more bookish Irish-themed blog posts out soon as well.

Happy Reading!




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☘️Top 10 Tuesday: Owned Irish Books☘️

Dia dhuit,

It’s a beautiful day here in the Midwest and I’m excited that Spring is just around the corner. I’m also excited as this is the month that I tend to prioritize Irish books though I do try to read books set in Ireland throughout the year.

I actually have two shelves dedicated to my Irish collection though it has grown and no longer fits just two shelves. I’ve been slowly collecting Maeve Binchy, Cecelia Ahern, Morgan Llywelyn and Juliet Marillier as they are some of my favorite authors that write about Ireland and the first three women are Irish. Hopefully some day I can say that I’ve read all of their books while also adding more favorite Irish authors as well as authors that have their books set in Ireland to the list.

Speaking of lists and owned books, I thought I’d share some hopefuls that I’d like to get to this month that have been sitting on my shelves for quite time and I keep meaning to get to them, some which have been on previous Irish-themed posts. There are many more that I am hoping to get to but I feel that this this is a reasonable selection to start with:

So that concludes my bookish ramblings for now. There so many fascinating books set in Ireland that I would like to read and hopefully this will be the year that I can put a good dent in reading the Irish books that I own. May you have a wonderful Tuesday and get in lots of reading. I will return shortly with more bookish posts.

Happy Reading




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☘️March TBR Possibilities☘️

Happy Friday,

It seems a bit strange to start out the month on a Friday but I’m just so happy that it’s finally March as it’s one of my favorite months. Throughout the year I try to read Irish books but I concentrate more so in March since St. Patrick’s Day is happening and I love being able to see just how many Irish-themed books I can tackle. There are other bookish plans that I have for this month and books that I would like to hope to get to so as per usual I’m making this a pile of possibilities. Along with some of these books are readathons that are happening so will be interesting to see what I get to.

So without further ado, I present to you my list and the readathons I hope to participate in:

Irish Readathon


1. Read a book with green on the cover

2. Read an Irish children’s book

3. Read an Irish book that is related to the number 7

4. Read an Irish book that fulfils one of the cover prompts: Animal, Food, House, Book,s People, Trees, Transport, Fantasy, Element, Stars

5. Read an Irish book in your favourite genre

Group Read: The Rachel Incident by Caroline O’Donghue

March Mystery Madness


TBR Possibilities:

Middle Grade March


1. One word title

2. Debut

3. Immigration/Refugee Story

4. Animal on the cover

5. Book you feel like you missed out on

TBR Possibilities:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I will be returning soon with more talk about my reading adventures and I’m so excited to see what March will bring and just how many books I may get to. Would be wonderful to read down many of my owned Irish books and other books that I own.

I will return shortly with more bookish ramblings. I’m off to get some much needed sleep and here’s to a wonderfully bookish month

Happy Reading!




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