Top 10 Books I’ve Finished So Far In 2019

Good afternoon,

Today I decided to post about some of the books I’ve read so far since I am really ahead of my Goodreads challenge, it’s Tuesday and because I don’t always post everything that I read on here. Trying to narrow things down to just ten is hard and attempting to put those ten into a numerical order is even harder. So when I say they are the top ten so far, I mean it but the order of them isn’t the important part which is why I haven’t included a number. If you’re curious about my thoughts on them, please feel free to click the highlighted titles which is direct you to my Goodreads page. Okay enough rambling and on to the fun stuff for bookworms!


I’d Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel


The Light Over London by Julia Kelly (link to previous blog post review)


th (2)
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Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading some of my favorites for this year and maybe added some to your TBR. I am always adding to my TBR which is why it’s gotten way out of control but that’s another topic for another day. I am off in search of more favorites and hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy Reading!




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