
Review of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Happy Wednesday,

I hope you’re having a great week so far and here’s to it being halfway to the weekend. I was very lucky to be approved for a book that I was interested in and I’m so glad that I picked it up as it was something I wasn’t expecting to like as much as I did. I have enjoyed Rebecca’s other books as well but this one really struck a chord with me. You can find more of my thoughts below:

My Thoughts:

I received an advanced reading copy via Netgalley, though all thoughts are my own.

This book had quite the twists, particularly towards the middle of the book and closer to the end. It was heartbreaking, full of quotes that rang true to me, a dash magical and the story of a young woman who is learning how to be herself and the beauty of sharing that with others who also love her.

I adore her friends, the bond that she’s formed with Hugo who she once wanted to be the love of her life, her super supportive parents, Murphy her dog and several of the people who she meets over the years briefly and have such an impact on her life.

This is my favorite book of Rebecca’s so far, and I did not see a particular twist coming towards the end of the book (don’t worry, a main character doesn’t die).

I highly recommend this book and would love a potential sequel!

Trigger warnings: death of a partner, health condition revealed halfway through the book, hospital stays

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I hope you have a wonderful week and I will return soon with more bookish content including how I am doing with some of the TBR possibilities that I set for this month.

Happy Reading!




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Top 10 Tuesday: July Wrap Up

Happy Tuesday,

This month seems to have flown by. It has been a very busy month with work and squeezing in as much reading as possible. I’ve finished twenty three so far which is one of my best months so far, possibly the best month. It also helps that I had a bit of time off at the beginning of the month so was able to enjoy getting caught up in my reading more than usual.

Speaking of books read, I thought I would talk about the top ten. Narrowing down the list is always a struggle especially when so many of them were wonderful but it’s also fun to see what makes it to the list. So without further ado, I present to you my list:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I am in the middle of several books at the moment even with that amount having been read but I am hopeful that I’ll be able to tack on at least a few more read before the end of the month. I am not on my way to the Library today but I will be visiting there tomorrow and am looking forward to see how many books I will be returning read and talking with my fellow book club members about the group book.

Hope you have a wonderful week and I will return soon with more bookish content. Here’s to more bookish adventures to be had.

Happy Reading!




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Top 10 Tuesday: June Wrap Up

Happy Tuesday,

This month seems to have flown by and seems like just yesterday I was getting ready to talk about my TBR possibilities. I had a lot going on this month with work, having friends visit as well as stay for a time that we haven’t been able to see in a few years. I did do some reading during this busy month though was not able to get to most of the TBR possibilities. I am easily distracted by other books and it was nice to take a bit more time on reading books.

I did manage to read some books which I wanted to share with you today. As per usual, I don’t have them in any particular favorites order and I read across all kinds of genres. So without further ado, I present to you my list:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I will be heading to the Library later today to drop off some books and probably pick up more. It felt strange to not go to the Library on a Tuesday last week but I was out of town and managed to go there on Monday instead.

Hope you have a wonderful week and I will return soon with more bookish content. Here’s to more bookish adventures to be had.

Happy Reading!




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Top 10 Tuesday: Backlog

Happy Tuesday,

This last week has been fairly successful in terms of reading books though I haven’t finished as many as I’ve been meaning to get to. Speaking of books that have been around for some time, I thought today I’d share some books that have been on my shelves for a bit and that I hope to tackle soon. It’s so easy for me to get distracted by other books because my apparently wants to read all of the books.

So without further delay, I present to you some of the books I hope to get to soon:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. It was not easy to narrow down my choices to ten because I have a lot of back log books… to say the least though these are the ones that caught my eye while I was searching for content.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and I will return soon for more ramblings. I’m so excited to visit the Library today which has become my usual thing to do on Tuesdays now and I am loving that it’s an option now!

Happy Reading!




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Top 10 Tuesday: Currently On My Libby TBR Possibilities

Happy Tuesday,

I took an unexpected break last week as I had a lot of things going on between work and an unexpected change of plans so I wasn’t quite able to squeeze in a post about books.

This week I thought I’d talk a bit about some of the e-books that I downloaded through the Libby app from my Library that I’m hoping to read soon and much as I enjoy have a physical book, sometimes it’s wonderful to borrow some books after just a few clicks and not having to worry about the book being returned on time because it does that automatically.

As per usual, this is an eclectic mix of books that I’ve been either waiting a while to have a hold pop up or stumbled across books that were available and sounded really interesting. I’ve been reading slower than usual and am hoping to bring that speed up a bit plus I love reading Library books no matter their format!

So I present to you, my Library e-book TBR hopefuls:

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I am trying to utilize more of my Library and take a break on buying so many books plus I always get a boost of serotonin when I am able to wander the shelves of my Library for a bit on the occasional Saturday or Sunday. Looking forward to when the Library will hopefully be open more in the near future but will take what I can get and it’s also a great feeling returning books that I’ve read.

I hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy your reading or other hobby that makes you happy and please feel free to come back again to see what new bookish ramblings I’ve posted about.

Happy Reading!




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WWW Wednesday Blog Tag: Currently In The Middle of All The Books!

Happy Wednesday,

I have the day off and I’m hoping to be inspired to get a lot of reading done so figured by making a list, that would be a huge incentive. To say I currently have a lot of books going is putting it mildly and would be a weight off my shoulders to actually finish some of them so maybe this will be the week that it happens.

This post was inspired by Sam Stevens , so thank you for making the post!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


Currently reading:  I’m listening to The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates (audiobook via Libby) which I’m currently 70% through which has been very eye opening and brutal at times but also there’s been touches of magical realism and I highly recommend.

I’ve been slowly making my way through Between Worlds: Folktales of Britain & Ireland by Kevin Crossley-Holland and Francis Castle (Kindle) that is a collection of various short tales that I’ve enjoyed and plan to finish soon as it’s been on my currently reading list for a while.

I recently started A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow (Kindle via Libby), so I’m not very far in but have been enjoying  as it’s about Sirens. Looking forward to seeing where the book will go and I love that it’s set in Portland, Oregon which really is one of the ideal places for such a theme.

Recently Finished: I started and finished The Tea Dragon Tapestry (Tea Dragon #3) by Katie O’Neill in one sitting yesterday and it was such a wonderful book as all of them have been in the series. My favorite would be the second book because it gives a lot of the back story plus I loved the various different reps that were throughout it.


Reading Next: I haven’t decided yet though I will probably choose from my long list of books that are currently sitting on my desk. I would like to get to Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice   The Woman Who Rides Like a Man (Song of the Lioness #3) by Tamora Pierce, Storm of Locusts (The Sixth World #2) by Rebecca Roanhorse, The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue, The City We Became (Great Cities #1) by N.K. Jemisin and The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett soon. I also I want to get myself ready to read for various readathons.

Well I’m off to continue wandering through bookland, probably add more books to my TBR and hopefully getting some reading in. Hope you’ve enjoyed my bookish ramblings and I will be back soon with more bookish content.

Happy Reading!




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Top 10 Tuesday: July Wrap Up

Good morning,

July seems to have flown by and here it is, the last Tuesday of the month! I read a lot of books this month, mostly because I was attempting to participate in three readathons which made for quite the interesting choices of books to read.

For this last Tuesday, I decided to mention the books that stood out the most for me this month. If you’re curious about all that I’ve read, I have a link at the bottom to my Goodreads account.

So, let’s get to the really good stuff which is of course the books which have been organized according the order I read them in because they were all wonderful! Artificial Condition was a reread and looking forward to a reread of the rest of the books in the series.

Silver Batal and the Water Dragon Races (Water Dragon Races #1) by K.D. Halbrook



Night of Cake & Puppets (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2.5) by Laini Taylor, Jim Di Bartolo (Illustrator)


Trail of Lightning (The Sixth World #1) by Rebecca Roanhorse



The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell



Before She Ignites (Fallen Isles #1) by Jodi Meadows



Firelight (Amulet #7) by Kazu Kibuishi



Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries #2) by Martha Wells



The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) by Rick Riordan



Seraphina (Seraphina, #1) by Rachel Hartman

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Crazy Rich Asians (Crazy Rich Asians #1) by Kevin Kwan


So that concludes my bookish ramblings for the time being. I still have a couple of books to finish before the end of tomorrow which I’m sure I’ll be able to. I may not have been very successful with a couple of the readathons I took part in but I participated and pushed myself to read more which was a win in my book! I hope your reading was enjoyable this month and here’s to a hopefully successful month of reading in August!

Happy Reading!




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Review of Natalie Tan’s Book of Love & Fortune

Happy Sunday,

My weekend just seemed to fly by, mostly because I had both days off and was having fun! I went to the Bookstore, did some grocery shopping and had some quality reading time.

Speaking of reading, I spent most of my Sunday caught up in a wonderful book which is actually being released tomorrow! I’m so thankful that I was lucky enough to be approved for an early copy! I would like to mention that though I received a digital ARC in exchange for a review via Edeweiss+ and the Publisher though all thoughts and ratings are completely my own.

So without further ado, I present to you one of my favorite books that I have read this year which will be available in stores this Tuesday!

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Buy Links:


Barnes and Noble

My Thoughts:

This book is a wonderful combination of magical realism, hope, Chinese tradition, delicious food, surprises and the power of a community trying to take care of each other.

Natalie was raised in Chinatown in San Francisco with her agoraphobic Mother who taught her a love of cooking though found it hard to speak of Natalie’s Grandmother or Father. When she became of age, she fought with her Mother over wanting to pursue a career via culinary school and did not speak to her Mother much over the ensuing years. Natalie fails out of Culinary School so instead travels all over the world, learning a variety of different dishes and cultures.

When she receives a call that her Mother has passed away, she moves from Montreal back to San Francisco full of regrets on not staying more in contact with her Mother and also angry with the community that she saw as not being helpful. The more time Natalie spends in the area, the more she realizes that the community has been very helpful, that it is in dire need of a miracle to not fall apart and be taken over by people who won’t appreciate the area and that her views of her Mother are much more complicated.

Natalie is given a book of recipes that her Grandmother wrote, who once ran a restaurant beneath the very place that Natalie grew up and also finds a letter where her Mother gives her blessing to follow her dreams. Over the course of the following weeks, Natalie slowly starts to piece things together about her Mother, a furry cat companion named Meimei, the community, develops friendships and just may be on the road to having found the love of her life. She also seeks comfort in cooking for herself as well as several of her neighbors after reading in her Mother’s letter that by doing this, she may be able to reopen the restaurant.

It’s not quite as easy as it seems though and the road to success can often be full of many bumps. Soon Natalie will realize that sometimes the best thing to do is believe in yourself, trust your instincts, speak your mind and try to be open to the possibilities. When a fire could possibly be the end to her dreams, it will take help in unexpected places to help Natalie see that all is not so lost and that maybe the dream of reopening her Grandmother’s restaurant may not be so impossible after all.

I loved this book so much with the healthy dash of whismy, the sense of community, romance and the many recipes that had my mouth watering. I also loved the Chinese-American aspects that were interwoven with the story and the twists that I didn’t see coming until after they happened. Natalie and Meimei are such precious beans that deserve so much love, both of whom were two of my favorite characters.

I highly recommend checking out this book particularly if you have a love of reading recipes mixed in with the storyline! I can’t wait to read more by Roselle and I would love if there would be a sequel to this story some day!

Well that wraps up my bookish ramblings for the time being. I hope you have enjoyed them and may you enjoy this book as much as I have. Many of the recipes are ones that I’m curious to try out some day! I’ll be back soon with more bookworm gushing.

Happy Reading!




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